Nora Fatehi, the beloved international star shining bright in India, recently sat down for a fiery interview with Ranveer Allahbadia. 🌟 Her last stint was in the blockbuster hit, “Madgaon Express.” In the interview, Nora didn’t hold back, expressing her sympathy for those who tie the knot without love. She straight-up called it a bad move, spending years with someone you’re not into. 😬 She didn’t stop there, folks! Nora dropped some bombs about Bollywood marriages, calling them out for being more about clout and less about love. She said it’s like a big networking game, with some folks marrying just to stay in the loop or grab some spotlight. 💥👀
Disclaimer: Remember, this is just the buzz we picked up online. For the real scoop, maybe hit up other news sources! 📰🔍