Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt celebrated their daughter Raha’s first birthday with a special house party at their Mumbai home, Vastu. The couple was joined by close friends and family, and the celebration featured a delightful panda-themed birthday bash.
The birthday menu was curated by The Private Chefs Club, and head chef Harsh Dixit shared a picture on Instagram Stories with Ranbir and Alia dressed casually. The menu included mouthwatering treats such as fries, ribbon sandwiches, Brie chilli cheese toast, and more.
Kareena Kapoor attended the party with her sons, Jeh and Taimur Ali Khan, as did Mahesh Bhatt and Karisma Kapoor. Inside pictures from the celebration were shared by Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan, and Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor, along with Shaheen Bhatt.
Shaheen Bhatt gave us a glimpse of the party by sharing a photo of a pink personalized cookie shaped like the number 1 with Raha’s name on it. She expressed her love for Raha and how time has flown by. Alia and Ranbir also sent a birthday cake and cupcakes to the paparazzi to join in the celebration.
On Raha’s birthday, Alia shared a heartfelt post, though Raha’s face wasn’t revealed in the photos. The images showed Raha’s hands messing up a cake, the family holding flowers, and the couple with a jukebox playing Edith Piaf’s “La Vie En Rose.” Alia’s caption conveyed their love and blessings for Raha, who makes every day feel like a delicious piece of cake.
In summary, it was a joyous celebration of Raha Kapoor’s first birthday, with a delectable menu and panda-themed decorations, attended by close friends and family. Alia and Ranbir expressed their deep love and blessings for their little one on this special day.