Shah Rukh Khan, known for his consecutive hit performances in 2023 with Pathaan and Jawan, is set to dazzle the big screen once again with Dunki’s release on December 21. As the Gaiety cinema hosted a historic 5:55 am show for Dunki, fans expressed their excitement by dancing and lighting crackers. Shah Rukh Khan, acknowledging the enthusiastic fan celebration, responded to the videos with a playful yet appreciative tone.
In response to visuals of fans dancing and celebrating outside the Gaiety cinema, Shah Rukh Khan humorously said, “Arre ab picture dekhne toh jao ya bahar hi kushti karte rahoge. (Now go and watch the movie or will you keep wrestling outside the theater?)” He encouraged fans to enjoy the film and share their feedback, using the hashtag #Dunki.
Expressing gratitude for the overwhelming support, Shah Rukh Khan thanked his fans, saying, “Thank u guys and girls have a good show and hope u all get entertained by #Dunki.” The actor’s warm response resonates with the genuine excitement surrounding Dunki’s release.
Dunki, produced by Rajkumar Hirani and Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, features an ensemble cast including Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, and Taapsee Pannu. The film explores the theme of an illegal immigration technique known as Donkey Flight, promising a gripping cinematic experience for audiences.