Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan’s recent wedding to celebrity makeup artist Sshura Khan has become the talk of the town. The star-studded affair on December 24th has been capturing hearts, and Arbaaz recently shared a heartwarming video of himself singing ‘Tere Mast Mast Do Nain’ from the film Dabangg at the ceremony. The clip showcases Sshura Khan enthusiastically cheering for her husband, and towards the end, she joins him for a love-soaked hug, earning cheers from the wedding guests.
In a delightful twist, Arbaaz humorously captioned the video, “No wonder my father wanted me to be a cricketer instead of a singer.” The social media post received an outpouring of positive reactions from fans, praising Arbaaz’s romantic gesture and wishing the newlyweds a happy married life. Additionally, another video surfaced featuring Arbaaz’s son, Arhaan Khan, playing the guitar while his father sang, adding a musical touch to the joyous occasion. The Khan wedding continues to charm fans, combining love, laughter, and melodies.