Lizzo Seeks Dismissal of Harassment Lawsuit: Unpacking the Allegations



In the latest legal development surrounding Lizzo, her legal team has filed a motion to dismiss the discrimination and harassment lawsuit brought against her by designer Asha Daniels. This comes in the wake of previous litigations from Lizzo’s former backup dancers.


In September, just a month after facing legal action from former backup dancers, Lizzo found herself confronted with a lawsuit from designer Asha Daniels, who had toured with the singer earlier in the year. Lizzo’s legal team swiftly labeled the claims as ‘meritless’ and moved to dismiss them.

Daniels’ Claims:

Asha Daniels’ lawsuit included allegations of a ‘racist and sexualized’ work environment, despite Lizzo’s public advocacy for body positivity and inclusivity. Accusations targeted Lizzo, her production company, tour manager Carline Gugliotta, and wardrobe manager Amanda Nomura. Daniels claimed to have endured racism, bullying, fat-phobic and racist remarks, and denial of medical care, resulting in PTSD and anxiety.

These allegations echoed a previous lawsuit by Lizzo’s former dancers, which accused the singer of racism, fat-shaming, and sexual harassment.

Lizzo’s Defense:

Lizzo’s legal team responded by characterizing Daniels as a ‘disgruntled’ former employee who failed to fulfill assigned work, played hooky, and ultimately left her position during the tour. They deemed Daniels’ claims ‘meritless and salacious,’ arguing she was terminated for abandoning her duties.

Additionally, Lizzo’s lawyers questioned the lawsuit’s jurisdiction, contending that it was filed in the wrong location as Daniels lacks ties to California. This strategic move seeks to have the case dismissed from court.

Legal Back-and-Forth:

Daniels’ lawyer, Ron Zambrano, countered these claims, accusing Lizzo’s team of attempting to shift blame onto the victims. Zambrano highlighted the singer’s alleged awareness and active participation in unethical conduct by some employees. He drew parallels to previous plaintiffs—Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez, Lizzo’s ex-dancers—who claimed to have experienced sexual, racial, and religious harassment.

Despite Lizzo’s motion for dismissal, the legal landscape remains complex, indicating prolonged legal proceedings for the Grammy-winning singer. The unfolding cases continue to shed light on allegations within Lizzo’s professional sphere.
