Hrithik Roshan recently marked the birthday of his fitness trainer, Swapneel Hazare, with a special workout session, hinting at the actor’s transition from his latest film, Fighter, to the highly anticipated War 2. Currently basking in the success of Fighter, where he portrays Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, Hrithik is gearing up for more thrilling projects on the horizon.
In an Instagram post on January 30, Hrithik shared a joyful snapshot with Swapneel Hazare, both giving thumbs-up signs. The actor revealed that they engaged in a unique workout session to celebrate Hazare’s birthday. Hrithik expressed gratitude for being pushed to new limits on Hazare’s special day, promising to conquer new heights together.
Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand, showcases Hrithik alongside a star-studded cast including Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, Sanjeeda Shaikh, and more. The film, currently in theaters, promises an exhilarating cinematic experience with its portrayal of Indian Air Force officer Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania.
Meanwhile, War 2 is set to expand the YRF spy universe with another riveting chapter. The film, teased in the end credits of Tiger 3, directed by Ayan Mukerji, is expected to feature an intense face-off between Hrithik and Junior NTR, with reports suggesting Kiara Advani’s inclusion in the cast. The anticipation for War 2 builds as Hrithik Roshan continues to engage in special preparations, leaving fans eager for the next thrilling installment.