Kundali Bhagya, a long-standing TV show, has undergone a significant transformation with new faces joining the cast after a generation leap. Notably, actors like Shraddha Arya, Shakti Anand, Paras Kalnawat, Baseer Ali, Sana Sayyad, Akanksha Juneja, and Mrinal Navell Chandra have added their charm to the storyline.
Shraddha Arya portrays the character of Preeta Luthra, a mother with lost memories, navigating through twists involving her son Rajveer. Shakti Anand took on the role of Karan Luthra after the departure of Dheeraj Dhoopar, bringing new dynamics to the character’s journey.
Paras Kalnawat, known for Anupamaa, joined as Rajveer Arora/Luthra, a caring individual with a protective side. Baseer Ali, a reality TV star from shows like Roadies and Splitsvilla, embraced the role of Shaurya Luthra, adding a layer of stubbornness and complexity to the character.
Sana Sayyad, recognized for her work in Divya Drishti and Spy Bahu, entered as Palki Khurana, a doctor entangled in a love triangle with Rajveer and Shaurya. Akanksha Juneja took on the negative character of Nidhi Luthra, complicating the relationship dynamics between characters and ensuring secrecy.
Mrinal Navell Chandra plays Kavya, Karan and Preeta’s elder daughter, introducing a fresh angle to the storyline. The show also features other actors like Faruq Saeed and Roma Bali, contributing to the overall stellar ensemble of Kundali Bhagya. The recent leap has injected new life into the series, keeping viewers engaged with its evolving narrative and diverse character dynamics.